Navigating between cluster resources and observable signals.
Observable resources produce many kinds of signal - logs, metrics, traces, alerts and others. Each type of signal can have its own distinct data model, naming conventions, query language, and storage. This makes it difficult to navigate relationships between cluster resources and the signals they generate.
Korrel8r is a rule based correlation engine, with an extensible rule set, that can navigate
↳ many types of signal and resource data
↳ using diverse schema, data models and naming conventions
↳ queried using diverse query languages
↳ stored in multiple stores with diverse query APIs
Each type of signal or resource is represented by a domain . Korrel8r can be extended to handle new signals and resources by adding new domains.
Relationships within and between domains are expressed as rules.
Korrel8r generates logical relationship graphs that are intended to be processed or displayed by other tools. The Red Hat OpenShift troubleshooting panel is a good example of a UI tool built on Korrel8r. There is a brief video demo. In the video, Korrel8r is generating the graphs that are shown in the panel on the right hand side.
The OpenTelemetry project defines a standard vocabulary for describing several types of signal. Korrel8r works with OpenTelemetry but does not require it. See About OpenTelemetry for more. |
About domains
A korrel8r domain represents one type of signal or resource. Available domains are described in the Domain Reference.
Each domain defines the following abstractions, allowing Korrel8r to treat domains uniformly:
- Object
A data type representing an instance of the domain’s signal or resource, for example a log record or a serialized Kubernetes resource. Korrel8r does not distinguish between signals and resources, they are correlated in the same way.
- Store
A service that can be queried for objects. A domain provides one or more types of store. Each store represents a storage service like the Kubernetes API server, Prometheus, Loki or others.
- Class
A named class of objects represented by the same data structure. A class name is a string of the form
. Many domains have only one class, for example trace:span. Others have multiple classes. The k8s domain domain has a class for each kind of kubernetes resource, for examplek8s:Pod
- Query
A string of the form
which selects a set of objects from a store. Korrel8r does not define a query language, selectors use the native query language of the store. For example, a trace domain query ussing TraceQL:
About rules
Rules express relationships between classes, possibly in different domains.
Rules are templates that generate a goal query using data from a start object. The start and goal can be different classes, possibly from different domains. If a rule cannot be applied to an object it may return a blank string, or raise an error.
The set of rules forms a graph connecting all the classes of data that korrel8r knows about. Korrel8r works by traversing this graph: applying rules to some initial objects, executing the resulting queries, retrieving more objects and so on.
There are two types of search:
- Goal search
Given a set of start objects and a goal class: find all paths from the start objects to objects in the goal class.
- Neighbourhood search
Given a set of start objects and a depth N: find all objects reachable from the start objects in N steps or less.
About OpenTelemetry
The OpenTelemetry project (OTEL) defines a standard vocabulary for traces, metrics, and logs. The Korrel8r trace domain domain uses OTEL attributes, other OTEL-based domains may be added future.
As OTEL is adopted, it will provide a more consistent vocabulary for Korrel8r rules, but it does not replace Korrel8r:
There are still widely-deployed systems that do not use OTEL conventions. Korrel8r can bridge between OTEL and non-OTEL systems.
OTEL, by itself, does not provide any mechanism for describing or navigating relationships between signals and resources.
OTEL does not standardize query languages or store APIs, even for OTEL-compliant systems.
Korrel8r handles resource and signal types that are not included (yet) in the OTEL specification. For example k8s:Event or netflow:network events.
Running Korrel8r
Korrel8r usually runs as a cluster service with a REST API. It is used as a back-end for tools that display correlation results. For example, the Red Hat OpenShift console uses Korrel8r to implement its {troubleshoopting-panel}[troubleshooting panel].
It can also be run from the command line for development and testing.
See Configuration for details of configuring Korrel8r.
Korrel8r uses a Bearer Token to authenticate itself to stores. When run as a server, it impersonates the client by copying the token from the incoming REST request. On the command line it uses the current kubectl login, so you need to be logged in to the cluster. |
In-cluster service
The Red Hat Cluster Observability Operator automatically installs and configures korrel8r on a Red Hat OpenShift cluster.
For testing and development you can also:
oc apply -k
oc apply -k
To connect to your service from outside the cluster, you can expose it with an 'ingress' or 'route'.
oc apply -k
HOST=$(oc get route/korrel8r -n korrel8r -o template={{.Spec.Host}}
You can use the Clients to test your service at $HOST
Out-of-cluster service
Korrel8r can run outside the cluster, using routes or ingress URLs to connect to observability stores inside the cluster. This can be useful for development and testing.
go install
Run korrel8r --help
to get command line help.
curl -o korrel8r.yaml
korrel8r -v2 --config korrel8r.yaml web --http=localhost:8080
See Clients for ways to test your service at http://localhost:8080
Once the Korrel8r service is running, there are several ways you can interact with the REST API.
A purpose-built command line client
. -
The interactive swagger API web page built in to Korrel8r.
Use a generic REST request tool like {[curl]}
You can also use specialized clients like the Red Hat Openshift troubleshooting panel, or build your own.
All of the clients require a Bearer Token to authenticate with the cluster.
is a simple command-line client of the Korrel8r service.
It is intended for development and experimentation.
In production korrel8r normally functions as a back-end for a console or other visualization or analysis tool.
go install
Run korrel8rcli --help
to get command line help.
If you are logged on to a cluster, korrel8rcli will automatically use your bearer token.
You can also specify a token explicitly with the --bearer-token
In the following examples, replace http://korrel8r.example
with the URL for your korrel8r service.
korrel8rcli -u http://korrel8r.example domains
- name: alert
- alertmanager: https://alertmanager-main.openshift-monitoring.svc:9094
certificateAuthority: ./run/secrets/
domain: alert
metrics: https://thanos-querier.openshift-monitoring.svc:9091
- name: k8s
- domain: k8s
- name: log
- certificateAuthority: ./run/secrets/
domain: log
lokiStack: https://logging-loki-gateway-http.openshift-logging.svc:8080
- name: metric
- certificateAuthority: ./run/secrets/
domain: metric
metric: https://thanos-querier.openshift-monitoring.svc:9091
- name: mock
stores: null
- name: netflow
- certificateAuthority: ./run/secrets/
domain: netflow
lokiStack: https://loki-gateway-http.netobserv.svc:8080
korrel8rcli -o json neighbours http://korrel8r.example --query 'k8s:Deployment:{namespace: korrel8r}'
Web browser
This tool is experimental, it may change or be dropped in future. |
korrel8rcli web -u http://korrel8r.example --addr :9090
Open localhost:9090
in a web browser.
You can type a korrel8r query in the Start
box, and a numeric depth (for neighbours) or korrel8r class name (for goal search).
You should see a graph of the correlations, like this.

Interactive REST API
Korrel8r provides an interactive REST API page using swagger. This page documents the REST API, and allows you to make interactive calls.
Browse to http://korrel8r.example/swagger
to use the page.
Using curl
You can use a generic REST client like {[curl]} to interact with korrel8r.
You can use the Interactive REST API page to discover the right curl commands
When you execute a call interactively on this page, it will show you the corresponding curl command.
You must provide a bearer token, for example:
curl --oauth2-bearer $(oc whoami -t) http://localhost:8080/api/v1alpha1/domains
Red Hat Openshift troubleshooting panel
The Red Hat OpenShift console has a "troubleshooting panel" that is powered by Korrel8r. This is a good example of how korrel8r is intended to be used, as a back-end to compute correlations for other tools that visualize the results.
You can increase the verbosity of korrel8r logging at run time using the
korrel8rcli config --set-verbose=9
curl --oauth2-bearer $(oc whoami -t) -X PUT http://localhost:8080/api/v1alpha1/config?verbose=9
Korrel8r loads configuration from a file or URL specified by the --config
korrel8r --config <file_or_url>
The Korrel8r project provides example configuration files. You can download them or use them directly via URL.
- openshift-route.yaml
Run korrel8r outside the cluster, connect to stores via routes:
- openshift-svc.yaml
Used to run korrel8r as an In-cluster service, connect to stores via service URLs.
The configuration is a YAML file with the following sections:
- "path_or_url"
- domain: "domain_name" (1)
# Domain-specific fields (2)
1 | Domain name of the store (required). |
2 | Domain-specific fields for connection parameters. See Domain Reference. |
Every entry in the stores
section has a domain
field to identify the domain.
Other fields depend on the domain, see Domain Reference.
Store fields may contain templates that expand to URLs.
- domain: log
lokiStack: <-
{{$r := get "{namespace: openshift-logging, name: logging-loki}" -}} (1)
https://{{ (first $r).Spec.Host -}} (2)
1 | Get a list of routes in "openshift-logging" named "logging-loki". |
2 | Use the .Spec.Host field of the first route as the host for the store URL. |
- name: "rule_name" (1)
start: (2)
domain: "domain_name"
- "class_name"
goal: (3)
domain: "domain_name"
- "class_name"
query: "query_template" (4)
1 | Name identifies the rule in graphs and for debugging. |
2 | Start objects for this rule must belong to one of the classes in the domain . |
3 | Goal queries generated by this rule may must retrieve one of the classes in the domain . |
4 | Result queries are generated by executing the query {go-template}` with the start object as context. |
Korrel8r comes with a comprehensive set of rules by default, but you can modify them or add your own.
A rule has the following key elements:
A set of start classes. The rule can apply to objects belonging to one of these classes.
A set of goal classes. The rule can generate queries for any of these classes.
A Go template to generate a goal query from a start object.
The query template should generate a string of the form:
The query-details part depends on the domain, see Domain Reference
- name: "alias_name" (1)
domain: "domain_name" (2)
classes: (3)
- "class_name"
1 | Alias name can be used in rule definitions wherever a class name is allowed. |
2 | Domain for classes in this alias. |
3 | Classes belonging to this alias. |
About Templates
Korrel8r rules and store configuration can include Go templates.
This is the same templat syntax as the kubectl command with the --output=template option.
Korrel8r provides additional template functions to simplify writing rules and configurations:
The sprig library of general purpose template functions is always available.
Some domains (for example the k8s domain) provide domain-specific functions, see the Domain Reference.
The following function is available for store configurations:
- query
Takes a single argument, a korrel8r query string. Executes the query and returns the result as a
. May return an error.Example: Query the k8s cluster for a route, extract the "host" field.{{(query "{namespace: netobserv, name: loki}" | first)}}
Domain Reference
Reference details for the for the classes, objects, queries and stores of each available domain.
alert domain
Domain alert provides Prometheus alerts, queries and access to Thanos and AlertManager stores.
There is a single class alert:alert
An alert object is represented by this Go type. Rules starting from an alert should use the capitalized Go field names rather than the lowercase JSON names. Object
A JSON map of string names to string values, matched against alert labels, for example:
To query mutiple alerts at the same time, it’s possible to provide an array of maps:
A client of Prometheus and/or AlertManager. Store configuration:
domain: alert metrics: PROMETHEUS_URL alertmanager: ALERTMANAGER_URL
Either or both of metrics
or alertmanager
may be present.
incident domain
Domain incident provides mapping to incidents.
There is a single class incident:incident
An incident object contains id and mapping to the sources (alert is the only supported source type at the moment).
One can query the incident by its id.
It’s also possible to provide labels from an alert to get a corresponding incident.
incident:incident:{"alertLabels":{ "alertname":"AlertmanagerReceiversNotConfigured", "namespace":"openshift-monitoring"}}
k8s domain
Domain k8s implements Kubernetes resources stored in a Kube API server.
The k8s domain automatically connects to the current cluster (as determined by kubectl), no additional configuration is needed.
stores: domain: k8s
Template Functions
The following template functions are available to rules.
k8sClass Takes string arguments (apiVersion, kind). Returns the korrel8r.Class implied by the arguments, or an error.
log domain
Domain log is a domain for openshift-logging ViaQ logs stored in Loki or LokiStack.
There are 3 classes corresponding to the 3 openshift logging log types:
log:application log:infrastructure log:audit
A log object is a JSON map\[string]any in ViaQ format.
A query is a LogQL query string, prefixed by the logging class, for example:
log:infrastructure:{ kubernetes_namespace_name="openshift-cluster-version", kubernetes_pod_name=~".*-operator-.*" }
To connect to a lokiStack store use this configuration:
domain: log lokistack: URL_OF_LOKISTACK_PROXY
To connect to plain loki store use:
domain: log loki: URL_OF_LOKI
Copyright: This file is part of korrel8r, released under
Template Functions
logTypeForNamespace Takes a namespace string argument. Returns the log type ("application" or "infrastructure") of a container in the namespace. logSafeLabel Convert the string argument into a safe label containing only alphanumerics '_' and ':'.
metric domain
package metric represents Prometheus metric time-series as objects.
There is only one class: metric:metric
A Metric is a time series identified by a label set. Korrel8r does not consider load the sample data for a time series, or use it in rules. If a korrel8r search time constraints, then metrics that have no values that meet the constraint are ignored.
netflow domain
Domain netflow is a domain for network observability flow events stored in Loki or LokiStack.
There is a single class netflow:network
A query is a LogQL query string, prefixed by netflow:network:
, for example:
netflow:network:{SrcK8S_Type="Pod", SrcK8S_Namespace="myNamespace"}
To connect to a netflow lokiStack store use this configuration:
domain: netflow lokistack: URL_OF_LOKISTACK_PROXY
To connect to plain loki store use:
domain: netflow loki: URL_OF_LOKI
trace domain
The trace domain accepts an optional "tempostack" field with a URL for tempostack. If absent, connect to the default location for the trace store on an Openshift cluster.
stores: domain: trace tempostack: "https://url-of-tempostack"
Query selector has two forms: a TraceQL query string, or a list of trace IDs.
A TraceQL query selects spans from many traces that match the query criteria. Example:
A trace-id query is a list of hexadecimal trace IDs. It returns all the spans included by each trace. Example:
See Go documentation for Query
REST API for the Korrel8r correlation engine.
- Version
- License
- Contact
Project Korrel8r
Content negotiation
- URI Schemes
- Consumes
- Produces
Endpoints by group
Method | URI | Name | Summary |
/api/v1alpha1/domains |
Get name, configuration and status for each domain. |
/api/v1alpha1/objects |
Execute a query, returns a list of JSON objects. |
/api/v1alpha1/graphs/goals |
Create a correlation graph from start objects to goal queries. |
/api/v1alpha1/graphs/neighbours |
Create a neighbourhood graph around a start object to a given depth. |
/api/v1alpha1/lists/goals |
Create a list of goal nodes related to a starting point. |
/api/v1alpha1/config |
Change key configuration settings at runtime. |
Get name, configuration and status for each domain.
GET /api/v1alpha1/domains
All responses
Code | Status | Description | Has headers | Schema |
OK |
OK |
Execute a query, returns a list of JSON objects.
GET /api/v1alpha1/objects
Name | Source | Type | Go type | Separator | Required | Default | Description |
query |
string |
required |
query string |
All responses
Code | Status | Description | Has headers | Schema |
OK |
OK |
Create a correlation graph from start objects to goal queries.
POST /api/v1alpha1/graphs/goals
Name | Source | Type | Go type | Separator | Required | Default | Description |
rules |
boolean |
optional |
include rules in graph edges |
request |
✓ |
search from start to goal classes |
All responses
Code | Status | Description | Has headers | Schema |
OK |
OK |
Partial Content |
interrupted, partial result |
Create a neighbourhood graph around a start object to a given depth.
POST /api/v1alpha1/graphs/neighbours
Name | Source | Type | Go type | Separator | Required | Default | Description |
rules |
boolean |
optional |
include rules in graph edges |
request |
✓ |
search from neighbours |
All responses
Code | Status | Description | Has headers | Schema |
OK |
OK |
Partial Content |
interrupted, partial result |
Create a list of goal nodes related to a starting point.
POST /api/v1alpha1/lists/goals
Name | Source | Type | Go type | Separator | Required | Default | Description |
request |
✓ |
search from start to goal classes |
All responses
Code | Status | Description | Has headers | Schema |
OK |
OK |
Change key configuration settings at runtime.
PUT /api/v1alpha1/config
Name | Source | Type | Go type | Separator | Required | Default | Description |
verbose |
integer |
optional |
verbose setting for logging |
All responses
Code | Status | Description | Has headers | Schema |
OK |
OK |
Constraint constrains the objects that will be included in search results.
Name | Type | Go type | Required | Default | Description | Example |
end |
date-time (formatted string) |
End of time interval, quoted RFC 3339 format. |
limit |
integer |
Limit number of objects returned per query, ⇐0 means no limit. |
start |
date-time (formatted string) |
Start of time interval, quoted RFC 3339 format. |
timeout |
string |
Timeout per request, h/m/s/ms/ns format |
Domain configuration information.
Name | Type | Go type | Required | Default | Description | Example |
name |
string |
Name of the domain. |
stores |
[]Store |
Stores configured for the domain. |
Directed edge in the result graph, from Start to Goal classes.
Name | Type | Go type | Required | Default | Description | Example |
goal |
string |
Goal is the class name of the goal node. |
rules |
[]Rule |
Rules is the set of rules followed along this edge. |
start |
string |
Start is the class name of the start node. |
Starting point for a goals search.
Name | Type | Go type | Required | Default | Description | Example |
goals |
[]string |
Goal classes for correlation. |
start |
Graph resulting from a correlation search.
Name | Type | Go type | Required | Default | Description | Example |
edges |
[]Edge |
nodes |
[]Node |
Starting point for a neighbours search.
Name | Type | Go type | Required | Default | Description | Example |
depth |
integer |
Max depth of neighbours graph. |
start |
Node in the result graph, contains results for a single class.
Name | Type | Go type | Required | Default | Description | Example |
class |
string |
Class is the full class name in "DOMAIN:CLASS" form. |
count |
integer |
Count of results found for this class, after de-duplication. |
queries |
Queries yielding results for this class. |
Query run during a correlation with a count of results found.
Name | Type | Go type | Required | Default | Description | Example |
count |
integer |
Count of results or -1 if the query was not executed. |
query |
string |
Query for correlation data. |
Rule is a correlation rule with a list of queries and results counts found during navigation.
Name | Type | Go type | Required | Default | Description | Example |
name |
string |
Name is an optional descriptive name. |
queries |
Queries generated while following this rule. |
Start identifies a set of starting objects for correlation.
Name | Type | Go type | Required | Default | Description | Example |
class |
string |
Class for |
constraint |
objects |
Objects of |
queries |
[]string |
Queries for starting objects |
The terms used to discuss observability often have slightly different meanings in different contexts. This glossary clarifies how Korrel8r uses common terms.
- class
See Overview
- data model
Describes the data in a signal as a set of named fields. For example a log record might have a "body" field containing the original message, and a "timestamp" field containing the time it was produced.
- domain
See About domains
- object
See See Overview
- query
See About domains
- resource
A source of observable signals. Resources include nodes, pods, hosts and other entities that are described by signals. rule::
See About rules
- signal
A single data-item generated by some observable resource, for example a log record, cluster event, or metric time-series.
- store
Has a special meaning for Korrel8, see Overview